axGear Drip Coffee Maker: A Portable yet Unreliable Option

Published on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:08 p.m.

Development History of Drip Coffee Makers

The drip coffee maker, also known as the filter coffee maker or pour-over coffee maker, has a rich history of evolution and innovation. Here’s a brief overview of its development:

1. Early Beginnings

The concept of drip brewing dates back centuries, with early methods involving pouring hot water over ground coffee in a cloth or paper filter. However, the modern drip coffee maker as we know it today began to take shape in the early 20th century.

2. Melitta Bentz’s Invention

In 1908, German housewife Melitta Bentz revolutionized coffee brewing with her invention of the drip brew paper coffee filter. She used blotting paper from her son’s school exercise book to create a two-part filtration system, consisting of a perforated metal cup and a filter paper. This design allowed for a cleaner and more convenient brewing process.

3. Electric Drip Coffee Makers

The first electric drip coffee maker was invented in the 1950s, marking a significant advancement in coffee brewing technology. These early models featured heating elements that boiled water and dripped it over ground coffee in a filter basket. They became popular household appliances, offering convenience and consistency in coffee preparation.

4. Rise of Automatic Features

Throughout the mid-20th century, manufacturers introduced automatic features to drip coffee makers, such as timers, temperature controls, and brew strength settings. These innovations allowed users to customize their coffee brewing experience and led to widespread adoption of drip coffee makers in homes and offices.

5. Technological Advancements

In recent decades, technological advancements have further improved the functionality and convenience of drip coffee makers. These include programmable settings, built-in grinders, thermal carafes for heat retention, and single-serve brewing options. High-end models often feature precision brewing techniques, such as pre-infusion and pulse brewing, to enhance flavor extraction.

6. Sustainability and Design Innovation

In response to growing environmental concerns, many manufacturers have focused on sustainability and eco-friendly design in their drip coffee maker offerings. This includes the development of reusable metal filters, BPA-free plastic components, and energy-efficient brewing systems.

7. Integration with Smart Technology

With the advent of smart technology, some drip coffee makers now feature Wi-Fi connectivity and smartphone app integration. Users can control brewing settings, monitor the brewing process remotely, and receive notifications when their coffee is ready, adding a new level of convenience and customization.

The axGear Drip Coffee Maker aims to provide a convenient portable coffee solution for travel and everyday use. But does this budget coffee maker deliver satisfying results? Let’s take a closer look.


The axGear Drip Coffee Maker is a compact, automated drip coffee machine that promises to brew fresh coffee quickly and easily. Key features include:

  • Portable size - The slim 4-inch wide body is tailored for travel and small spaces. Easily slips into a suitcase or camping gear.

  • Stainless steel filter - Reusable stainless steel mesh screen extracts flavorful coffee without wasteful paper filters.

  • No plastic taste - Made from ABS plastic with no chemical smell or taste.

  • Precise temperature - Electronics allow water to heat to the optimal 195-205°F for proper coffee extraction.

Design - Compact and Portable

The main highlight of the axGear is its petite size. Measuring just 4 inches wide, it’s designed for portability and travel. The simple white plastic body won’t take up much space on your countertop or in a suitcase.

While compact, the coffee maker still houses the main components needed to automate the drip brew process. It’s a no-frills design focused on space-saving portability.

Convenience - Easy to Use But Hard to Rely On

Operation is straightforward with button controls, but convenience is hampered by the short lifespan. Having to frequently replace a leaking, broken coffee maker is far from convenient.

While the axGear maker aims to provide an easy portable brewing solution, the poor reliability undermines any convenience benefit.

Coffee Machine Working Principles

The axGear coffee maker employs drip brewing technology by heating water to the appropriate temperature (195-205°F), then slowly dripping it into a filter filled with coffee grounds. As the hot water passes through the coffee grounds, it extracts the oils, aromas, and pigments of the coffee, which then flow through the filter into the coffee pot below. This process not only preserves the rich flavors of the coffee but also avoids over-extraction, ensuring a balanced and pleasurable coffee taste.

Performance - Fast Brewing But Frequent Failures

According to the product description, the axGear coffee machine can brew multiple cups of coffee in under 10 minutes. This is on par with standard drip coffee makers.

However, reviews reveal frequent failures and malfunctions. The top negative review states the machine only worked once before leaking water internally and shutting down.

Clearly, the performance is unreliable at best. For a product priced at $22, quality testing and durability are likely cut corners.

Advantages and Features of Manual Drip Coffee Makers

A manual drip coffee maker is a simple, low-tech way to brew a delicious cup of coffee without the need for any electrical components. Its main advantages include:

  • Portable size - The slim 4-inch wide body is tailored for travel and small spaces. Easily slips into a suitcase or camping gear.

  • Stainless steel filter - Reusable stainless steel mesh screen extracts flavorful coffee without wasteful paper filters.

  • No plastic taste - Made from ABS plastic with no chemical smell or taste.

  • Precise temperature - Electronics allow water to heat to the optimal 195-205°F for proper coffee extraction.

Safety and Risk Factors

While the axGear coffee maker features a lightweight plastic housing that reduces the risk of burns, the frequent internal water leaks pose a significant electrical hazard. Multiple user feedbacks mentioned that the machine completely failed after a short period due to water infiltrating the electrical components. This not only affects the reliability of the device but could also increase the risk of electric shock. When using this coffee maker, it is recommended to closely monitor its operation and external conditions to avoid any potential safety issues.

Cleaning and Maintenance

While the axGear coffee maker is easy to operate, proper cleaning and maintenance are key to ensuring its best performance and prolonging its lifespan. It is recommended to clean the filter and drip tray after each use to remove coffee grounds and mineral deposits, preventing flavor degradation and bacterial growth. For deep cleaning, non-corrosive cleaning agents can be used to clean the internal components of the machine, ensuring all electrical parts are dry before reuse.

Cleaning a manual drip coffee maker is straightforward and typically involves the following steps:

  • Disassemble the coffee maker. Remove the filter basket, glass carafe, and any other removable parts. Wash each part separately with warm soapy water.

  • Use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the surfaces. Rinse all parts thoroughly and then let them air dry.

  • Inspect the showerhead, which is responsible for distributing water evenly over the coffee grounds. Ensure that it is free of debris and buildup, as this can affect the brewing process.

  • Wipe down the exterior of the coffee maker with a damp cloth, and make sure to clean the area where the filter basket and glass carafe sit.

 axGear Drip Coffee Maker

Use Cases:

  • Travel - The compact axGear maker is convenient for brewing coffee in hotels, Airbnbs,campers or any trip where you want freshly brewed coffee.

  • Small spaces - The petite footprint doesn’t take up much precious counter space in a cramped kitchen, dorm or apartment.

  • Quick coffee - It can brew a fast cup or two for a single person or couple when you don’t want to deal with a large machine.


  • Compact and portable
  • Fast brew time
  • Reusable filter
  • No plastic odor
  • Simple operation


  • Prone to leaking and failure
  • Questionable durability
  • Small capacity


Despite the low $22 price tag, the axGear coffee maker provides poor value considering the short lifespan and tendency to break. While inexpensive initially, having to frequently replace a leaky unit will cost more long-term. For better value, spend a little more upfront for a reliable coffee maker that will last.

 axGear Drip Coffee Maker


The inexpensive axGear Drip Coffee Maker offers compact portability but lacks in durable performance. For sporadic travel use, it could work in a pinch. But for daily application, the frequent failures make it a hassle rather than a convenience.

For reliable home brewing, opt for a better-constructed drip coffee machine from a major brand. The axGear maker is simply too unpredictable for regular use. The bargain price comes with a trade-off in quality and longevity.

 axGear Drip Coffee Maker


  • Brand: axGear
  • Model: Drip Coffee Maker
  • Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 5 inches
  • Weight: 0.42 lbs
  • Material: ABS plastic
  • Power: 800 watts
  • Capacity: Unknown, likely 1-3 cups

Box Contains:

  • axGear coffee maker unit
  • User manual

Consumables and Costs

To ensure the smooth operation of the axGear coffee maker, users need to consider the following consumables and costs:

1. Coffee Beans or Ground Coffee

Coffee beans or ground coffee are the main ingredients for making coffee. Users can choose the appropriate type of coffee beans or ground coffee according to their taste preferences. The quantity to purchase depends on the capacity of the coffee maker and individual consumption habits.

2. Paper Filters or Stainless Steel Filters

Although the axGear coffee maker comes with a stainless steel mesh filter, some users may prefer using paper filters for easier cleanup and disposal of coffee grounds. Both paper filters and stainless steel filters are replaceable consumables, and users can choose according to their personal preferences.

3. Cleaning Agents and Maintenance Supplies

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the coffee maker can prolong its lifespan and ensure the quality of the coffee. Users may need to purchase specialized coffee machine cleaning agents, descaling agents, or other maintenance supplies to keep the coffee maker clean and in good condition.

4. Energy Consumption

Using the coffee maker will consume a certain amount of energy, so users need to consider the electricity costs. Based on the power rating of the coffee maker and its usage frequency, users can estimate the monthly energy consumption costs and include them in their daily expenses budget.

5. Coffee Cups and Accessories

In addition to the coffee maker itself, users may also need to purchase coffee cups, stirring sticks, grinders, and other accessories for a better coffee experience.

In summary, besides purchasing the coffee maker itself, users also need to consider the above consumables and costs to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of the coffee maker.