wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine: Bringing the Cafe Experience Home

Published on Nov. 28, 2023, 10:29 a.m.

The Art and Science of Espresso

Espresso, the concentrated coffee beverage loved by millions worldwide, is more than just a drink; it’s a cultural phenomenon with a rich history and a fascinating brewing process.

The Science Behind Espresso

The magic of espresso lies in its unique extraction process. Unlike drip coffee, where hot water slowly filters through coffee grounds, espresso is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely-ground coffee. This high-pressure extraction yields a concentrated brew with a rich flavor profile and a signature layer of crema, a golden foam that sits atop the espresso.

A Brief History of Espresso

The history of espresso dates back to the early 20th century, with the invention of the first commercial espresso machine in Italy. These early machines were bulky and complex, but they paved the way for the development of the modern espresso machines we see today. The popularity of espresso quickly spread throughout Europe and eventually to the rest of the world, becoming a staple in cafes and homes alike.

Coffee’s Origin and History

Coffee’s origins can be traced back to Ethiopia over a thousand years ago. Legend has it that a shepherd named Kaldi noticed his goats becoming unusually energetic after eating fruits from a certain tree. He then tried the fruit himself and discovered its ability to invigorate and alert the mind. This fruit was the coffee bean.

Coffee was initially used as a stimulant by Arabs and gradually spread to other parts of the world. In the 17th century, coffee houses began to flourish in Europe, becoming important venues for social interaction and exchange.

For coffee aficionados who want to recreate the cafe experience at home without breaking the bank, the wirsh Home Barista Plus is an espresso machine worth considering. Offering commercial-grade features at a budget-friendly price point, this stylish little machine packs a punch when it comes to brewing quality espresso and milk-based drinks.


The wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine is a semi-automatic espresso machine designed for home use. Key features include a 20 bar Italian pump, adjustable brewing temperature, a pressure gauge, a 42oz removable water tank, and a rapid 25-second heat up time. The machine’s slim footprint, measuring 12.5” x 6.5” x 11.9”, and its stainless steel finish make it an attractive addition to any kitchen.

 wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine

Key Features

The Wirsh Home Barista Plus boasts a range of features designed to elevate your home espresso experience: * 20 Bar Italian Pump: Ensures optimal pressure for rich, flavorful espresso extraction. * Plastic-Free Portafilter: A sustainable choice that doesn’t compromise on taste. * Pressure Gauge: Allows precise monitoring of extraction pressure. * Adjustable Temperature and Volume: Customize your brew to your exact preferences. * Stainless Steel Steam Wand: Creates velvety microfoam for lattes and cappuccinos.

Coffee Varieties and Classification

Coffee beans are primarily categorized into two main types: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are known for their delicate aroma and flavor, while Robusta beans have a higher caffeine content and a more bitter taste.

Common classification methods for coffee include categorization based on origin, roast level, and processing method. According to origin, coffee can be classified as Asian, African, American, or Oceanian coffee. Based on roast level, coffee is categorized as light roast, medium roast, or dark roast. And based on processing method, coffee can be classified as washed coffee, sun-dried coffee, or honey processed coffee.

The Importance of Grind Size

The grind size of your coffee beans is crucial for optimal espresso extraction. Too coarse, and the water will flow through too quickly, resulting in a weak, under-extracted shot. Too fine, and the water will struggle to pass through, leading to a bitter, over-extracted shot.

Espresso: The Heart of Coffee Drinks

Espresso, made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans under high pressure, is the foundation for many popular coffee drinks. From cappuccinos and lattes to macchiatos and Americanos, espresso’s intense flavor and rich crema make it a beloved beverage worldwide.

 wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine

Design - Sleek and Compact

The wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine features a polished stainless steel exterior that looks far more expensive than its budget price tag. The slim and compact footprint at 12.5” x 6.5” x 11.9” takes up minimal counter space. An intuitive touchscreen control panel and built-in LED lights add to the modern, user-friendly design.

Ease of Use

The one-touch control panel allows easy selection of espresso or steam. Buttons are clearly labeled and simple to operate. The portafilter securely locks into place with a satisfying click. The removable water tank simplifies filling and cleaning. Overall, the machine is very easy to use even for beginners.

Hands-On Experience

The Wirsh Home Barista Plus is incredibly user-friendly, even for those new to espresso making. The touchscreen controls are intuitive, and the machine heats up rapidly, ready to brew in under 30 seconds. The portafilter is easy to fill and secure, and the steam wand, while a bit short, effectively froths milk with a bit of practice. The pressure gauge is a standout feature, providing valuable feedback during extraction and helping users achieve the perfect shot.

Coffee Quality

The 20 bar pressure ensures optimal extraction, producing espresso with a rich aroma, thick crema, and robust flavor that captures the full essence of your coffee beans.

Popular Espresso-Based Drinks

Espresso is not just a drink in itself; it’s a key ingredient in many beloved coffee beverages: * Cappuccino: Espresso with equal parts steamed and frothed milk. * Latte: Espresso with steamed milk and a thin layer of foam. * Macchiato: Espresso with a dollop of frothed milk. * Americano: Espresso diluted with hot water. * Flat White: Espresso with steamed milk, similar to a latte but with less foam.

Performance - Cafe-Quality Drinks

Despite its small size, the wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine delivers solid performance comparable to pricier machines. The highlight is the 20 bar Italian pump which provides ample pressure for rich, aromatic espresso with a lovely crema. The machine heats up rapidly, reaching optimal brewing temperature in just 25 seconds, ensuring minimal wait time between shots. Adjustable brewing temperature caters to individual taste preferences.

The steam wand delivers sufficient power and adjustments to froth milk for lattes and cappuccinos. While the steam wand is relatively short, with some practice, users can master the technique to create velvety microfoam.

 wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine

20 Bar Italian Pump

The heart of any espresso machine is its pump, and the Wirsh Home Barista Plus is equipped with a powerful 20 bar Italian pump. This pump generates the ideal pressure to extract the full flavor and aroma from your coffee grounds, resulting in a rich, crema-topped espresso.

Plastic-Free Portafilter

In a commitment to sustainability, the Wirsh Home Barista Plus features a plastic-free portafilter. This not only reduces environmental impact but also ensures that no unwanted flavors leach into your espresso.

Pressure Gauge

The built-in pressure gauge is a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced baristas. It allows you to monitor the extraction pressure in real-time, ensuring you’re in the optimal range for a delicious espresso.

Adjustable Temperature and Volume

The Wirsh Home Barista Plus gives you complete control over your brewing experience. You can adjust both the temperature and volume of your espresso to suit your taste preferences.

Shot Timer

While the machine lacks a programmable shot timer, the manual espresso button allows controlling shot length and volume.

Stainless Steel Steam Wand

The powerful steam wand lets you froth milk to perfection, creating velvety microfoam for lattes, cappuccinos, and other milk-based espresso drinks.

42oz Removable Water Tank

The generous 42oz water tank is a standout feature, allowing you to brew multiple drinks without the need for constant refills. Its removable design simplifies both filling and cleaning, making maintenance a breeze.

Cup Warmer

The integrated cup warmer is a thoughtful touch that helps maintain the ideal serving temperature for your espresso. By pre-warming your cups, you ensure that your espresso stays hot and flavorful from the first sip to the last.

Removable Drip Tray

The removable drip tray not only makes cleaning a breeze but also accommodates taller cups, allowing you to make lattes and other milk-based drinks with ease.

Hot Water Function

The hot water function adds versatility to the Wirsh Home Barista Plus. You can use it to make Americanos by adding hot water to your espresso or to brew tea.

Noise Level

The pump and heating elements produce noise comparable to most domestic espresso machines. Vibration is minimal.

Safety Features

The wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine has overheating and overpressure safeguards along with auto shut-off.


The removable water tank, drip tray, and portafilter simplify cleaning. The steam wand should be wiped after each use to prevent buildup.

 wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine

The wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine is suitable for the following groups of people:

  • Coffee enthusiasts: For coffee lovers, the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine can help them easily make barista-quality coffee at home.
  • Family users: For family users, the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine can meet the coffee needs of the whole family, allowing everyone to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee every day.
  • Small offices: For small offices, the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine can provide employees with convenient coffee services and improve work efficiency.

The wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine can be widely used in the following scenarios:

  • Making everyday coffee: Wake up every morning and use the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine to make a cup of rich coffee to start your day full of energy.
  • Entertaining guests: When friends or guests come to visit, use the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine to make a cup of exquisite coffee to express your hospitality.
  • Hosting small gatherings: When hosting small gatherings, use the wirsh Home Barista Plus espresso machine to provide guests with a variety of coffee drinks to make the gathering more enjoyable.

User Feedback Analysis

Overall, customer reviews indicate the wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine punches above its weight class in terms of performance and value. The overwhelming majority of users are highly satisfied with this budget-friendly machine.

Many reviewers rave about the velvety, full-bodied espresso produced by the 15-20 bars of pressure. They describe the crema as rich and persistent with an aromatic, robust flavor. Users mention taste being on par with upscale machines costing twice as much. Many users, even those accustomed to basic espresso makers, were impressed by the significant upgrade in quality offered by the Wirsh Home Barista Plus.

Numerous users praise the intuitive touchscreen controls and quick 25-second heat up time as adding to the convenience. They appreciate how the adjustable temperature feature allows customizing shots to individual taste. Some reviewers adore the polished stainless steel aesthetic fitting elegantly into modern kitchens.

Users comment on the exceptional bang for buck considering the commercial-grade features like the Italian pump and pressure gauge. Many view the Home Barista Plus as a practical, affordable step-up from budget espresso makers without the expense of premium brands.

Some users noted that the steam wand is a bit short, requiring some adjustment to achieve optimal milk frothing. A few users note the lightweight machine moves around slightly when locking the portafilter. However, most agree these are minor quibbles given the otherwise solid performance.

In summary, feedback reveals most users consider the wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine an impressive value machine that punches far above its price tag. For novices and budget-minded coffee lovers, it delivers legitimate cafe-quality espresso and frothing without breaking the bank.

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent value for money
  • Quick heat up time
  • Adjustable temperature
  • Easy to operate
  • Delivers rich, high-quality espresso


  • Machine may slide on the counter during portafilter locking
  • Steam wand is on the short side

Value - Impressive Perfomance for the Price

For around $130, the wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine delivers exceptional value. It produces cafe-quality espresso and milk drinks at a fraction of the price of comparable machines. The combination of performance, features, and smart design makes this a budget-friendly option both for novices and experienced home baristas.


With commercial-grade pressure, rapid heating, and adjustable settings, the wirsh CM1665 Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine brings the cafe experience home for under $150. While the short steam wand takes some practice, this machine impresses with its ability to brew rich aromatic espresso and frothy milk drinks. For espresso lovers seeking quality and value, the Home Barista Plus hits the mark.


  • Pressure: 20 bar
  • Water tank capacity: 42 oz
  • Dimensions: 12.5” D x 6.5” W x 11.9” H
  • Weight: 9.0 lbs
  • Heat up time: 25 seconds
  • Adjustable temperature: 197°F - 205°F
  • Power: 1450 watts
  • Portafilter size: 51 mm

Box Includes

The wirsh Home Barista Plus comes with:

  • Espresso machine
  • Scoop/Tamper
  • Portafilter
  • 2 steel filters
  • User manual
  • Service card