Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker: A Feature-Packed Manual Espresso Machine

Published on Jan. 26, 2024, 11:23 a.m.

For espresso aficionados, a good home espresso machine is essential equipment in the kitchen. The rich, concentrated coffee from high-pressure extraction not only tastes amazing, but also makes classic drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. This review will take an in-depth look at the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker to see how it performs on features, build quality, espresso taste and more.

A Deep Dive into the Cuisinart CBC-200SA: Unleashing Café-Quality Espresso at Home

For coffee aficionados, the aroma of freshly brewed espresso is an irresistible invitation to a world of rich, intense flavors. The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker stands as a testament to the art of crafting exceptional espresso at home, transforming ordinary mornings into extraordinary coffee experiences.

This comprehensive review delves into the heart of the Cuisinart CBC-200SA, exploring its features, performance, and overall value proposition for discerning espresso enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or an aspiring homebrewer, this review will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about your next espresso machine.


The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is a stainless steel manual espresso machine from Cuisinart designed for home use. It uses 15 bars of pressure for extraction and has a 53oz removable water reservoir. The machine can brew 1-2 cups of espresso from ground coffee or pods. It also comes with a stainless steel steam nozzle for making frothy milk drinks. The espresso maker has a sleek, stainless steel body and straightforward controls for easy use.

Key Features

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA boasts several key features that make it a compelling choice for espresso enthusiasts:

  • 15 Bars of Pressure: This professional-level pressure ensures optimal extraction, resulting in rich, flavorful espresso with a thick crema layer.
  • 53-Ounce Removable Reservoir: The large water tank allows for brewing multiple cups without frequent refills.
  • Stainless Steel Steam Nozzle: Froth milk to perfection for lattes, cappuccinos, and other milk-based beverages.
  • Warming Tray: Keep your cups warm to maintain the optimal temperature of your espresso.
  • Removable Drip Tray and Cover: Easy cleanup and maintenance.
  • Tamping Tool with Measuring Spoon and Frothing Cup: Essential accessories for brewing and frothing.

Understanding Espresso

Espresso is the foundation of countless popular coffee beverages. It’s a concentrated coffee shot brewed by forcing hot water through tightly packed, finely ground coffee under high pressure. The intense flavor and characteristic ‘crema’ – a thin, reddish-brown foam layer – make proper espresso shots the key element in lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and more.

 Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker


The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker has a sleek stainless steel exterior with chrome accents that will look sharp in any kitchen. The styling is relatively minimalist with an embossed logo on the front. It has a compact footprint measuring 12.56 x 8.19 x 10.94 inches. The removable 53oz water reservoir has convenient fill lines inside. The water reservoir is made of BPA-free plastic, ensuring that no harmful chemicals leach into your water.

The durable stainless steel exterior is not just visually appealing. It ensures longevity, an important factor for home espresso machines which see frequent use.

Ease of Use

As a manual espresso maker, the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker requires more hands-on effort than automated machines. However, controls are simple and straightforward. Just fill the tank, tamp ground coffee, lock the portafilter and press the brew button. To brew espresso, start by grinding your coffee beans to a fine consistency. Then, dose the ground coffee into the portafilter basket and tamp it down evenly with the provided tamper. Lock the portafilter into the group head and place your cup under the spout. Finally, press the brew button and wait for the espresso to flow into your cup. The steaming takes some practice to master microfoam texture. But overall it’s easy enough for beginners to produce quality espresso and milk drinks.

Brewing Flexibility

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is designed for brewing ground espresso coffee. The portafilter basket holds enough for making 1-2 shots. It cannot brew coffee pods. You have the option to pull single or double shots. The steam wand allows making cappuccinos, lattes and other milk-based drinks.

In addition to classic espresso, you can also use this machine to create:

  • Americanos: Dilute espresso with hot water for a milder coffee beverage.

  • Macchiatos: Add a small amount of steamed milk to espresso for a slightly creamy drink.

  • Mochaccinos: Combine espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup for a decadent treat.

  • Flat Whites: Similar to lattes, but with a thinner layer of microfoam for a more intense coffee flavor.

 Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker

Coffee Quality

Thanks to 15 bars of pressure and a capable brewing system, the Cuisinart makes smooth espresso with a nice tan crema on top when beans are properly ground and tamped. Flavor has depth with balanced acidity. Milk frothing produces silky, uniform texture. Overall it makes cafe-quality espresso drinks at home.

Crema is the rich, foamy layer that forms on top of a properly extracted espresso shot. It is composed of tiny oil droplets and air bubbles and is a sign of a well-extracted espresso. The crema should be thick, velvety, and persistent, slowly dissipating over time. A thin or weak crema can indicate under-extraction, while a coarse or bubbly crema may suggest over-extraction.

15 Bars of Pressure: The Key to Espresso Extraction

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA’s 15 bars of pressure is a standout feature. This pressure level is considered the gold standard for espresso extraction. It forces hot water through finely-ground coffee beans, extracting the full range of flavors and aromas. The result is a rich, concentrated espresso shot with a thick, velvety crema – the hallmark of a well-made espresso.

Milk Frothing

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker comes with a stainless steel steam wand for frothing milk for cappuccinos, lattes, and other coffee drinks. Here are some tips for frothing milk with this machine:

  1. Use cold milk: Cold milk froths better than warm milk.

  2. Start with the steam wand submerged just below the milk surface.

  3. Slowly lower the pitcher as the milk expands and foams.

  4. Keep the steam wand moving constantly to prevent the milk from burning.

  5. Stop frothing when the milk reaches the desired consistency.

  6. Swirl the pitcher to distribute the foam evenly.

For best results, use whole milk with a high fat content. This will produce the thickest, creamiest foam. You can also experiment with different types of milk, such as 2%, 1%, or skim milk.

53-Ounce Removable Reservoir: Convenience and Capacity

The generous 53-ounce water reservoir is a practical feature, especially if you’re brewing for multiple people or enjoy several espressos throughout the day. The removable design makes it easy to refill and clean, ensuring a hassle-free brewing experience.

Warming Tray: The Finishing Touch for a Perfect Espresso

The warming tray on top of the machine is a thoughtful addition. It keeps your cups warm, ensuring that your espresso stays at the optimal temperature for longer. This simple feature enhances the overall coffee experience, allowing you to savor the full flavor and aroma of your espresso.

Removable Drip Tray and Cover: Effortless Cleanup

The removable drip tray and cover simplify the cleaning process. After brewing, you can easily remove the tray and cover, discard any coffee grounds or excess water, and rinse them clean. This feature ensures that your espresso maker stays in pristine condition with minimal effort.

Tamping Tool with Measuring Spoon and Frothing Cup: Essential Accessories

The included tamping tool with a measuring spoon helps you achieve consistent results with every brew. The tamper ensures that your coffee grounds are evenly distributed and compacted, while the measuring spoon helps you dose the correct amount of coffee. The frothing cup is perfect for creating creamy milk foam for your lattes and cappuccinos.

Portafilter with Locking Mechanism: Security and Stability

The portafilter, which holds the coffee grounds during brewing, is equipped with a locking mechanism. This mechanism ensures that the portafilter is securely fastened to the group head, preventing any leaks or spills during the extraction process. The secure fit also contributes to consistent brewing pressure, resulting in a more evenly extracted espresso shot.

Ground Espresso or Pod Capability: Versatility and Convenience

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA offers the flexibility to use either ground espresso or ESE pods. This feature caters to a wide range of users, from those who prefer the control and customization of grinding their own beans to those who value the convenience of pre-portioned pods. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or a casual drinker, the CBC-200SA has you covered.

Cup Warming Tray: Enhancing the Espresso Experience

The cup warming tray, located on top of the machine, is a small but significant feature. By preheating your cups, you ensure that your espresso stays warmer for longer, allowing you to savor the full flavor and aroma of your beverage. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who enjoy milk-based espresso drinks, as it helps to maintain the optimal temperature and texture of the milk foam.


The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker produces significant noise and vibration during the brew process. This could be disruptive early morning.


The stainless steel housing makes it durable and long-lasting. The electrical system meets North American standards. Care should be taken around the steaming wand.


It uses 120V, 60Hz electrical system. Power cord length is adequate at 3 feet. There is no auto shut-off function.


To ensure optimal performance and longevity, the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker should be cleaned regularly. Here are the recommended cleaning steps:

Daily Cleaning:

  1. Empty the drip tray and rinse it with warm water.

  2. Wipe down the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth.

  3. Remove the portafilter and rinse it with hot water.

  4. Knock out any coffee grounds from the portafilter basket.

  5. Wash the portafilter basket and group head with warm, soapy water.

  6. Rinse all parts thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel.

Weekly Cleaning:

  1. Descale the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  2. Clean the steam wand by steaming water into a small container until the water runs clear.

  3. Wipe down the steam wand with a damp cloth.

Monthly Cleaning:

  1. Deep clean the machine by following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Additional Cleaning Tips:

  • Use a mild dish soap to clean the machine.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners.

  • Do not immerse the machine in water.

  • If the machine is not used regularly, it should be cleaned and stored in a dry place.

By following these cleaning instructions, you can help keep your Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker in good working condition and enjoy delicious espresso for years to come.


No paper filters required. Backflushing every few weeks helps keep internal parts clean. Descaling solution recommended to remove mineral buildup.

Brand & History

Cuisinart is an American home appliance pioneer dating back to 1971. They are renowned for food preparation appliances and kitchen electrics.

Use Cases: A Versatile Companion for Coffee Lovers

The Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is more than just a tool for crafting espresso; it’s a versatile companion for coffee lovers of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned barista seeking to expand your home brewing repertoire or a novice espresso enthusiast eager to explore the world of specialty coffee drinks, the Cuisinart has something to offer.

Beyond Espresso:

While espresso is at the heart of the Cuisinart’s capabilities, its versatility extends beyond this classic beverage. With the help of the steam wand, the Cuisinart can transform your espresso into a variety of milk-based drinks, including:

  • Cappuccinos: The perfect balance of espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk, cappuccinos are a delightful way to start the day or indulge in an afternoon treat.

  • Lattes: For those who prefer a milder coffee experience, lattes feature a larger proportion of steamed milk, creating a smooth and creamy beverage.

  • Macchiatos: A simple yet elegant drink, macchiatos consist of a shot of espresso topped with a dollop of foamed milk, offering a delicate contrast of flavors.

Experiment and Explore:

The Cuisinart’s versatility doesn’t stop at traditional milk-based drinks. With a bit of creativity and experimentation, you can use the machine to craft unique concoctions that suit your taste preferences. Try adding flavored syrups, spices, or even a touch of chocolate for an extra layer of indulgence.

Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or just starting to explore the world of espresso, the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is a versatile companion that will help you create café-quality coffee drinks in the comfort of your own home.

User Feedback

Overall, reviews indicate the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is a dependable, easy-to-use manual espresso maker that satisfies most home baristas. When used properly, it consistently brews rich, aromatic espresso with a lovely crema layer on top. Many users find it whips up cafe-quality beverages to jumpstart their mornings.

The majority of buyers praise the Cuisinart for its straightforward operation, sturdy construction and delicious espresso. They find it brews smooth, intense espresso shots when freshly ground beans are tamped correctly. The steam wand, while requiring some technique, makes surprisingly silky milk foam for cappuccinos. Several mention how the warming plate keeps their cups piping hot.

Numerous reviewers adore this machine for fuss-free espresso brewing with professional 15 bar pressure. They say it’s an excellent value for those wanting quality espresso without spending a fortune. Many note how the removable parts like the drip tray and tank simplify cleaning. Some do wish the controls were a bit more intuitive or offered programmable volumes.

The most common complaint by far is the loud noise when pulling shots. Many are startled by the initial roar and find it disruptive first thing in the morning. A few warn prospective buyers that mastering the tamping process has a learning curve. And some say the frothing wand could be easier to manipulate.

In conclusion, the vast majority of feedback indicates the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is a smart choice for home espresso enthusiasts seeking a budget-friendly but capable manual machine. For those willing to master its operation, it reliably delivers cafe-caliber espresso drinks. Just be prepared for some noise in the brewing process.

Pros and Cons

- Produces rich, aromatic espresso
- Versatile for making other drinks like lattes
- Durable stainless steel build
- Removable parts make cleaning easy

- Very noisy in operation
- Button controls could be improved
- Beginners may need practice to master


With a price around $150, the Cuisinart offers solid performance and features for making quality espresso-based drinks at home. For a manual machine, it’s competitively priced versus similar products. The brand name and quality build make it a worthwhile investment for serious espresso lovers.


For its solid build, versatile performance and ease of use, the Cuisinart CBC-200SA Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker Stainless Steel Manual Espresso Maker is recommended for anyone wanting a capable manual machine to make quality espresso and milk drinks at home. It’s a great choice for espresso aficionados.


  • Pressure: 15 bar
  • Reservoir capacity: 53 oz (unknown material)
  • Housing material: Stainless steel
  • Product dimensions: 12.56 x 8.19 x 10.94 inches
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Extracts ground coffee or pods
  • Included accessories: Tamp, measuring spoon, frothing cup

Box Contains

  • Cuisinart CBC-200SA espresso machine
  • Tamping tool with measuring spoon
  • Stainless steel frothing cup
  • Instructions/recipe book